1. Most studios will already be in the POS database when you start with INDY. However you can add and edit what happens to studios in the settings – studios section of the admin panel.
2. To add a studio that you may be missing you can first check if there are new studios in the library that you can add by selecting “add from library”.
3. To add a studio manually select “Create Studio”
a. Type In the Studio Name
b. Toggle on if you want eBORs to go to Swift
c. Toggle on if you want them to be automatically sent to Swift
d. Toggle on if you want them emailed to a studio contact
e. Toggle on if you want them to be automatically emailed to the studio contact
f. Enter the studio email if you do want them to be emailed to the studio
g. You have the option to select summaries and it will send all of the BORs for that studio in one email vs separate emails for each title