The Voucher and Discount Redemptions report offers an overview of voucher and discount redemptions over a selected date range (default: past 7 days). It ranks the most frequently redeemed offers from highest to lowest.
This information is useful for evaluating the effectiveness of vouchers and discounts, as well as understanding customer behavior around redemptions—for example, whether customers prefer to redeem an offer online or at the box office.
How to Access This Report
Access the standard report from the Reports Library. Go to INDY Admin > Reports. Click the kebab menu icon (three vertical dots on the right) and select "New From Library":
The report is available under the Marketing category. Select the report and click the "ADD REPORTS FROM LIBRARY" button. It will now be available in INDY Admin > Reports under Marketing.
About Report Controls
This report has two controls: Date Range and Report Level.
Date Range lets you choose a time period to see data for that specific time. The report's default range is the past 7 days.
Report Level lets you view the data for a single cinema location (site) or combined results for all cinema locations in the circuit (circuit). The report's default level is set to site.
Common Questions Answered
- How is a new voucher or discount performing?
- What is the most popular voucher or discount?
- Which vouchers or discounts are most popular among specific membership types?
(See below Group by Membership Type for how to configure)
- Are certain vouchers or discounts more commonly redeemed online or in-person?
(See below Group by Sales Channel for how to configure)
Optional Groupings/Filters
The standard report provides an overview into how vouchers and discounts are performing. Filtered views can provide deeper insights and this section will cover the recommended filters.
Edit Report
To apply groupings or filters to a report, you will need to know how to edit a report. Outlined below is a guide for duplicating an existing report and report widgets. This will allow you to create a copy of the data without editing the original.
Duplicating Report
To create a copy of a report, go to INDY Admin > Reports. Right-click on the report and select "Duplicate":
This creates a personal report (color-coded blue). To make the report visible to other members in your team, right-click on this report and select "Make Circuit Report":
The new report's name can be updated in Report Settings.
Editing Report
To make changes to a report, access the report and click the kebab menu icon. Enable the "Edit Circuit Report" toggle:
Any changes made to the report is highlighted in the same dropdown menu. To save your changes, access the dropdown again before exiting the report and click the "SAVE CHANGES" button:
Duplicating Report Widgets
To duplicate a report widget, right-click on the widget and select "Duplicate":
Right-clicking on a widget also gives you access to the Groupings and Filter settings for the widget.
Group by Membership Type
To organize voucher and discount redemptions by membership type, you will need to add a grouping or filter for Order User Membership Type. The Groupings setting should like this:
To focus on a single membership type, use the Filter function instead of Groupings. In a widget's Filter settings for Order User Membership Type, you can select which membership types are included or excluded in the data:
Note: "N A" are redemptions made by guest orders. It is recommended that you exclude them from filtered views which track membership voucher and discount redemptions.
Group by Sales Channel
To organize voucher and discount redemptions by the channel of redemption (i.e. online or register), you will need to add a grouping or filter for Sales Channel. The Groupings setting should like this:
To focus on a single Sales Channel, use the Filter function instead of Groupings. In a widget's Filter settings for Sales Channel, you can select which sales channels are included or excluded in the data: