Voucher packages can be used as a way of selling multiple vouchers or creating a promo bundle. This could be useful if setting up offers with free tickets combined with concessions for example 2 free tickets and a large popcorn bundle. You will need to create the vouchers you want to include, prior to creating the voucher package.
Creating a Voucher Package
In Indy Admin, navigate to Voucher Packages by going to Settings→Promotions→Voucher Packages.
Click ‘Add Voucher Package’ in the top right hand corner.
Name your voucher and add a short description of what it is. The Voucher Package Price will change depending on how you’ve setup the vouchers that are involved. The example below is showing as £40 as the ‘Family Day Out Ticket’ Voucher is set to be ‘On Sale’ for £10 each. If you want an image to appear if selling online, you should use the button ‘Drop Image Here’ to add this.
You can add several different voucher types to suit your package. Once the vouchers types are added, you can alter how many of these vouchers is included. The above voucher package is setup to be 4 x Family Day out Tickets and a large popcorn for £40.
Shared means all vouchers in the package share a single barcode. Consecutive means they don't and are physically sold like a booklet. You need to pre-generate barcodes for consecutive.
Once you are happy with your voucher package, hit ‘Create’.
Using Your Voucher Package on the POS
To sell your Voucher Package, you can add it to your Register Grid by going to Settings→Stations & Hardware→Register Grids. Select which grid you would like to add it to then click on the + of an empty button. Under ‘Type’ select, ‘Voucher Package’ and under Voucher Types, select the Voucher Package you have just created, in this instance ‘Family Day Out’.
Save and publish your changes by hitting the green arrow at the top of the screen.
Once added, you’ll be able to access the voucher on the POS by clicking on the register grid you’ve just been in, then selecting the voucher package you just created, in this instance, ‘Vpak Family Day Out’. You will then be able to add the item to the cart and checkout as normal.
Using Your Voucher Package Online
Go to Settings→Website and Marketing→Pages. Select which page you would like to sell vouchers on. In this example, we are going to select the ‘Gift cards’ page. Click on, ‘Create Section’.
At the top of the next page where it says ‘Type’, select ‘Voucher Sales Widget. This will bring up a new container with the title ‘Voucher Sales’. Click, the ‘Add Voucher Sale’ button. You will then have the option of selecting ‘Voucher Type’ or ‘Voucher Package’. In this instance, click ‘Voucher Package’ and select the package you have just created. You can also select a minimum sale amount if you wish. Hit ‘Create’.
You will then see an example of your Voucher Package online. If you’re happy with this, you can hit ‘Create and Close’.
To update your changes, hit the yellow ‘Publish Changes’ icon on ‘Pages’ and then hit the green arrow at the top of the page, as before.