Payment types are any other form of payment you’re willing to accept that is not cash or credit card. That can be anything from a check or money order to an in-house cinema currency you create (Though we advise against that).
Navigate to Settings → Site → Payment Types
On the right side of the screen, press the “Add Payment Type” button.
You will be presented with a new window.
Name - The name you call this payment, in example, “Check”.
Description - A short description of the payment type.
Enabled - Toggles the payment type’s visibility on the POS.
Primary Payment Option - Toggles if this payment type is the first type listed from other payment types that aren’t cash or credit card.
Button Color - The color the button will show at the payment stage of the POS.
Confirmation Prompt Enabled - Toggles if the POS displays a message when that payment type is used.
Prompt Message - The message that the POS displays to notify the cashier that the payment type is being used.
Collect Details - This will prompt the cashier for an additional detail to collect using this payment type.
Details Required - If toggled this will not allow the POS to continue the checkout process until the details are entered.
Name of Detail to Collect - This tells the cashier what they need to record, like a check or invoice number.
Requires Authorization - If toggled will not allow the payment to go through without an admin approval.
Fill in the details you need to create your payment type and then press the “Create” button.
As an example I created the “Check” payment type, enabled a confirmation message and required an additional request for a check number.
NOTE: Once a payment type has been used to accept a payment, it can not be deleted. If you no longer need that payment type, simply disable it by hitting the Enabled toggle.