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Show Scheduling
John Carpenter avatar
Written by John Carpenter
Updated over 9 months ago
  1. INDY Show Scheduling is under the heading in settings called Booking Weeks

  2. Make sure your planning elements and time slots are set up during initial setup.

    1. It is suggested that you create different planning elements for the different types of films that you may play. Examples being: First Run, Early Openings, Fathom Events, Private Rentals etc.

  3. Open the play week that you would like to work on

    1. Select Step 1 - Planning Elements

      1. It is here that you can add extra slots for movies, or add on extra elements that are not a default element

    2. Select Step 2 - Title Selection

      1. Drag the posters of the movies or events into the lineup of “poster cases”. If the film isn’t in the bottom group you can begin to type the title in the search bar and it will show up for you to drag up. If you added a film in error you can drag it to the trash can.

    3. It is suggested that you skip Step 3 - Plan Layout. This is designed for automatic AI scheduling that is not set up. What will help you on Step 4 is to put Plan Layout in Step 3 into “manual layout” - its not critical but will make Step 4 a lot cleaner to look at.

    4. Select Step 4 - Schedule

      1. It is recommended that you begin with the day of the week that has the most show in it. That way when you copy forward or backward its easier to remove shows then add more.

      2. Select the day that you would like to construct.

        1. Use the Title Selector tool to pick the movie that you want to start to work with. To open the menu click on the poster to the right of the tool and it will give you a list of all the films you added in the title selection.

        2. Once a film is selected you can start to drag copies of it to the times that you would like - clicking it will drop a showing of the title.

          Note: the increments that you can knock left and right are configurable in the top right 3 dot menu.

        3. Once you have all of the pieces you need in place you can also now do some smaller scale editing. Click on the Selector Tool and it will put it back in edit mode. With that you are able to work with a specific show. You have the ability to drag the shows around the board with your mouse; you can use the arrow on your keyboard to knock them up or down to a different screen or left and right to change the time.

        4. The upper right 3 dot menu also gives you options to change the layout and colorizing. It also gives you an override lock - that is very important because once you sell a ticket and the lock goes red, you will not be able to edit the showing without turning the override lock off. That is to prevent accidental changes to shows that have sold tickets.

        5. To fill out the rest of the week you can repeat all of the above for each day, but INDY has a lot of useful tools to make this job a lot easier:

          1. You can copy the entire day by going to the day that you want to copy to and using right click you can select “Copy Prior Day”. From there you can make edits to the schedule that copied over if you need to.

          2. You can also copy over portions of a schedule if you like. From the day already created you can use the mouse to “lasso” the part of the schedule you want, right click and select “copy” and then go to the day you want and right click and select “paste”. You also have abilities to select the whole day, screen, or movie and using the same procedures copy them over to another day.

          3. Once all of your week is in place you will want to use the actions in the top left of the screen:

            1. If nothing is clicked on you can publish or unpublish the entire day.

            2. If you want to only publish or unpublish a specific show or screen, click or lasso them and then when you publish or unpublish it will only be for those showings.

        6. Each individual showing also has options that you can edit about it”

          1. Override the fact that seating is reserved or not

          2. Override the held seat count - allows you to add or subtract seats from an unallocated showtime.

          3. Add or override your showing badges for that showtime.

          4. Override which seating chart is used.

          5. Override the post start time (cleanup) buffer.

          6. Override the max tickets per order allowed.

          7. Make a show private - will not show up on the website or box office signage. It will however show up on POS (with a red lock) and the auditorium signage.

          8. Make a show a preview screening - so it will not show up as week one in the BOR’s

        7. There are a couple of Audit settings that you can use once the schedule is published:

          1. Resources is a graphic representation of the AI telling you what staffing issues that you might run into.

          2. Start Times is an easy way to see all the start times highlighted for a specific title. To select the title use the selector tool up at the top.

        8. You do also have the ability to zoom up on the showings to see more information about those showings (Example show indicates)

          1. Start and End Times (2:45 and 4:52)

          2. Planning Element (Regular Run)

          3. Price Card (Matinee)

          4. Showing Badges (Reserved Seating)

          5. Screen Name (Space Theater)

          6. Green predicted tickets sold from AI (10)

          7. Black actual tickets sold at that time (17)

          8. Red lock indicated tickets are sold and to change you have to turn the override lock off.

          9. The bumpers on the left are right are the screen indicated pre-start time buffer and post showing buffer. The post-start time buffer is included in the run time of the total box.

  4. Video

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